Ken, is a very experienced researcher:
Inventor, Entrepreneur, USPTO Examiner, Researcher and Searcher bringing many years of patenting perspective to your project: Mechanical, Electrical, Optical, Computer Controlled technologies in the application areas of product, process, method, design. Receipt of Six US and forty foreign patents.
Ken designed products:
Computer analyzed product operation and managed product development for AT&T, MEAD Paper, UARCO, Gould Electronics Laboratories and an EXXON venture company, receiving six US and forty International Patents
Ken, is a native of Chicago With broad Technical and Management Experience :
He graduated from LANE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. He earned a BSME Degree from VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY with specialties in Product Design and Automatic Control Systems. He was elected Chapter President of ILLINOIS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS IN 1970 and ILLINOIS ENGINEER OF THE YEAR in while advancing from: Product Design Engineer, Engineering Supervisor, Director of Engineering, Director of R&D, Business Founder and Company President. His career has taken him to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Connecticut, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.